Saturday, September 25, 2010

My little lass

It was early morning when I wake up! Oopps! I remembered, it was Louisse birthday! Yeah my baby Louisse, as I look at her, she's really growing up now and seems to look like a young lad. I had remembered before when I delivered her at the hospital, I really had a terrible delivery into a ceasarian operation. Because she is really big. A big baby according to the doctor. They had asked me what I have done to her when she was at my womb that makes her really big.
Any way that was really the past. Now my baby is really growing up. She look like a a young feminine lass.I hope that she will grow up good with a finesse manner.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Challenging Day

ohh..I have experience a very extreme day today! A lot of challenges comes in at school. Well students could really be chaotic this time.I don't know why? What wild ideas always comes to them?I can't imagine how terrible they are! I don't know how to be monstrous to them? I already suffered an ache over my larynx.. it's really painful after shouting at them, I have given them my full voice and my nerves almost comes out... but still I became a loser...I can't be able to achieve what I really want?hope God will help me with this?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Rainbow After the Rain

"never know what lies ahead"...
" But don't despair my dear...
"no matter what happen life goes on and on "......

As i sit along the bench beside the window, i heard the music playing and am humming to its tune.
Tears, began to come out from my eyes as it rolls down into my cheeks....there was a little silence and i begun to remember my past. I was just a little simple lovely girl who have lost hope, courage and confidence as i was left by my Mom in the midst of my life ...and didn't know what lies ahead of me. But as i glimpse over my past I actually can't beieved what i am really right now.
Whew! after all the pains and sacrifices in life that i got. I never realized that there is always a rainbow after the rain. There is a better tomorrow that comes into my life. AS the song "Rainbow" which was sung by the Southborder actually depicts my life.

Tears, pain and laughters were combined as I go through. There is always hope for joy that will just flow softly like a river ... and within just a snap of a finger life will change if we only remain hopeful as the line of the song goes by..."there's a rainbow always after the rain".....

( I have here a poem which I compose at times when I was down and distress.)


Life is like a flowing stream....
it comes and it goes
Life can be an endless dream
it makes us strong and bold

Life changes things it feels the way it is
everything that beats
everything that breathes

Life unites everybody
with peace and harmony

Life will flourish forever
if we always stive together

Where will I go?

I wonder where will I go?
I was walking around
looking for something
but I never saw somebody
But instead someone wants to pull me down.
I said to him, No! I can't go with you
I need to catch my Mom
or else she might leave me now.
She is waiting for me somewhere out there
behind the trees
And we will go home to make me feel relieve

The Dreamer

Once I was a little girl

I used to dream and fantasize
I dream of becoming a doctor
but it didn't make me one.

I dream to become a painter
but I was just being frustrated
My mom doesn't want me to become an artist
but instead become a teacher.

I am a dreamer whose wishes and dreams were being frustrated
but I know someday I can be everything I want to be.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Happiness behind her SMILE

I remember the days when I carried her in my womb.She is so heavy as if I'm carrying a bulk of books on my tummy.Well as she came out, there are tears of joy behind her smile.
What a beautiful baby girl! She is my sweet memory, my lovable and hugable babe,I love her so much.Everytime I came home as I see her approaching smile, my tiredness shooed off!An baby full of energy,She always gives her gorgeous smile.How lovely is she!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Baby

She is my precious gift I have ever recieved in my life...a worth priceless gift...I love her so much!!!!
My Louisse.....
I still remember the time when I carried her into my womb.I feel excited to see her,at last,she is now with me...Louisse, my baby who always gives her gorgeous life will not be complete without her,

Sunday, June 17, 2007