Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Rainbow After the Rain

"never know what lies ahead"...
" But don't despair my dear...
"no matter what happen life goes on and on "......

As i sit along the bench beside the window, i heard the music playing and am humming to its tune.
Tears, began to come out from my eyes as it rolls down into my cheeks....there was a little silence and i begun to remember my past. I was just a little simple lovely girl who have lost hope, courage and confidence as i was left by my Mom in the midst of my life ...and didn't know what lies ahead of me. But as i glimpse over my past I actually can't beieved what i am really right now.
Whew! after all the pains and sacrifices in life that i got. I never realized that there is always a rainbow after the rain. There is a better tomorrow that comes into my life. AS the song "Rainbow" which was sung by the Southborder actually depicts my life.

Tears, pain and laughters were combined as I go through. There is always hope for joy that will just flow softly like a river ... and within just a snap of a finger life will change if we only remain hopeful as the line of the song goes by..."there's a rainbow always after the rain".....

( I have here a poem which I compose at times when I was down and distress.)


Life is like a flowing stream....
it comes and it goes
Life can be an endless dream
it makes us strong and bold

Life changes things it feels the way it is
everything that beats
everything that breathes

Life unites everybody
with peace and harmony

Life will flourish forever
if we always stive together

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